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Hindus worshiped the cow in god worship. In India, after the Modi government came to power, many other states were banned Qurbani
Police in the Uttar Pradesh state of India say that they arrested two Hindu people on charges of cow murder

At the same time a conspiracy has come in front of them where, where they tried to create communal unrest by killing the cow.

Gunda district Superintendent of Police Umesh Kumar Singh told the BBC, "Two calves were stolen from a village in Katra Bazar area on Sunday night, then their throats were cut off." Some people rescued both Rasebok and Mangal, who fled the scene, they informed the police. has been done".

Receiving the bodies of those two calves gave rise to communal tension in the area. Singh

"A lot of police had to send the situation under control.
But the conspiracy was made to arrest and arrest the two. They had stolen the calves and stole them both by planning. We are trying to find out that there was a plan to do something big, "Mr. Singh said.

Mr Singh thinks that the situation could have deteriorated if the two men were not arrested quickly.

Communal tension spread across Saturn and Sunday in several areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

It was during this time that the festivals of the big festivals like the tens of Hindus, Navratri, Durgapujo At the same time, the majesty of the Muslims was also at the same time.

The turmoil spread in Kanpur, Baliya and Agra. Many shops, cars were vandalized.

After the program in Agra, 80 members of two hardliner Hindutva organizations were arrested in connection with the continuous bomb blasts.

Tigers of Bihar's Jamui also spread the tide of Durgapuzo and Maharman procession.


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