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What to do if you get to Chikungunya

What to do if you get to Chikungunya

It is important to drink coconut water in chikungunya if the fever is cleaned.
Chikungunya is now the name of panic. This fever is cleared within three to four days. But the bone joint does not want to reduce the pain. The intensity of pain is too fierce. Patients are normal walking, holding hands with some hands and even holding hands are difficult. But sometimes the knot pain can last for a few months or even more than a few years. And the body became very weak. Angered in the work. Energetic or physical-mental strength also decreases. Even after the fever is good, there are some rules and precautions to follow.

Treatment of this disease
The treatment of chikungunya virus infection is mainly based on symptoms. There is no special medicine or vaccine for this disease. For three consecutive days, if there is severe pain in the fever and bone joints, then the doctor will have to be displaced. No medicines should be taken without consulting the doctor. There is no benefit to antibiotics. Drinking plenty of water, saline, and lemon juice, etc., as well as drinking plenty of water. Stay in full rest.

Next to the treatment
The person has to take rest, eat plenty of water and liquids. If needed, you will need to take medicines for parasitemia tablets and doctor's advice for fever and pain.

What to do if you have pain?
If there is a pain in the joint or joint pain after fever, then it is also called post chikungunya arthritis. After this fever, most of the time there is a pain in the bone stretching for a long time. Even the wound may swell. To reduce the pain, paracetamol or tramadol-specific medicines can be eaten.
In some cases, this pain may be prolonged. Chikungunya, however, can reveal unreleated lymph, especially rheumatic arthritis. So if the pain is prolonged then the doctor should consult.

Pain may be complex and chronic in the elderly or other diseases. Try to stay in rest during this fever. The work that is heavy or hard work can not be done. If not, the pain may increase. However, light exercises can be performed and physiotherapy can be taken. It is not right to sit in the same place for long. If the cold bends, the pain is greatly reduced or comfort is available.

How would the skin rash be like?
Chikungunya rash is reddish, like measles. Maybe back, chest, shoulders, face everywhere. Anyone with rash fever is again after someone else. Many of these rashes are better. However, many people may have color blacks, itching or allergic reactions after the fever has been removed. Even reddish large grains, which are very irritable and uncomfortable. In that case, anti-allergy-drug, skin-to-skin gums can be found quickly.

Do not cut the weakness?
Dhaka Medical Medicine Department Prof. Mujibur Rahman said, after all viral fever, the body became very weak. So there should be plenty of fluid food during and after the fever. To eat nutritious food. Often, the amount of salt in the body decreases, blood pressure decreases, and the head may turn. So if you have low blood pressure, then you have to eat saline in the mouth. At this time vegetables can be eaten more than the different fruits. After three weeks, if the weakness is not reduced, then the doctor should consult.
After Chikungunya, many people, especially hands and feet, can cause irritation, wheezing or biting pain. Anyone else can suffer depression. Extreme pain, not able to return to work, can not be done properly in daily activities, this increases the risk. Expert advice should be taken in this regard. After many of these diseases, the disease resistance is damaged. As a result, new diseases can be infected. So be careful and save lots of fluids and nutritious food, cleanliness, and considerable rest may be at risk of this risk.

Resistance and control are real!
There is no vaccine against the disease. Personal awareness is the main way to prevent chikungunya virus infection. Protecting from mosquito bites is the best way to get rid of chikungunya. Covering most parts of the body (wearing flower shirt and flower pants), installing the net on the window, without opening the doors and windows without need, using mosquito during sleep, using mosquito resistant cream in the body and survive mosquito bites. Special attention should be given to children, sick patients, and adults.
The mosquito breeding site and nearby mosquito breeding grounds have to be destroyed. Edi's mosquitoes can breed in places where water can be stored in the place where the pottery, pots, buckets, drums, doves, etc. are left. It should be noted that there is no water in these places. House surroundings should be cleaned regularly.
Since mosquitoes infect other people with a germ from the infected person, action should be taken so that the affected person can not bite mosquito.

Writer: Doctor


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