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Allah Almighty is doing politics for the national party: Muratad Ershad

Allah Almighty is doing politics for the national party: Muratad Ershad

Allah Almighty is doing politics for the national party: Muratad Ershad

This amount should be beaten in the stomachs that the people of Jahannam are also lonely. They are saying that when they say they lose consciousness. As the nationalparty chairman Ershad said: God is making politics in our behalf.

The party's chairman Hussein Muhammad Ershad has claimed that Pakistan is doing politics through the Jatiya Party . He said , " We do not do politics , God has been in politics for us . Six years I was in jail , there was no harm to the party . '

He said this at a function held at Eid reunion of Dhaka Mahanagar North Jatiya Party at a convention center in Gulshan on Tuesday noon .

Ershad said , ' so much torture , in spite of injustice, the Jatiya Party is still alive . This is Allah's mercy . The Jatiya Party is going to be erased . We do not have to delete . There are deleted . '

Jatiya Party chairman said , ' many of our workers have been jailed , many workers have died , our party office has been dissolved . But we are now alive . For this we must believe that Allah has done politics for us . '

' Allah wants to change , Allah wants to liberate the conquered nation ', Ershad commented, ' Insha Allah alone, none can do anything else . '

' All bad reports of BNP know , we have no record . We do not have human blood in our hands . People have loved to win . We have the courage , if you get cooperation , Insha Allah will be able to bring the Jatiya Party to power, "- Ershad said .

The former dictator said to the activists, ' I feel very sad, but if you see your face forget all sorrow. We are waiting for a Bright Future. Allah has given the opportunity. This opportunity can not be wasted. Du Wei brick cans. '

Ershad said , ' why do I think the country is congratulated ? Floods in haor , millions of tons of rice was wasted . Then 154 people died in Chittagong's land collapse . People died in the fire in Uttara . Just the news of the death, the news of the dead , the news of the death . I do not see any good news anywhere . Open daily newspapers, see death , rape and death . I do not see good governance anywhere . Bloody Bangladesh , why bloody Bangladesh ? Bangladesh abhisapta . '

'The need for change is to create a converged Bangladesh. The Jatiya Party could bring these changes. '

Ershad said , "We have no name so far . We were the domestic opposition party . We did not have the chance to talk . I talked to the parliament for the government . But after forming this alliance, the hope of the people of the country has started . Maybe the Jatiya Party can bring changes . There is great disappointment among people . This disappointment can only be eliminated by the Jatiya Party . '

Ershad said , ' Allah has given the option of this change to the people who want this change . It can not be lost in the sky . You have to be accountable to Allah . '

Source: (DhakaTimes / 04 July / AA / WB)

Now, what is the meaning of the holy religion Islam says about such a bad statement.

Ershad has become apostate because of the speeches, because according to Islamic Shariah, politics is included in the prohibition of unlawful kufr. And the unbelief holder, even the leader of his party, was entrusted with the responsibility of Allah Pak.

All the tantrism in the Islamic Shari'ah is forbidden, whether it is democracy, whether it is monarchy, socialism or one of the prototype. Yet, it is the practice of Kufurism that is directly against the disbelief and the Sunnah of the Qur'an, though it is said in the constitution of Bangladesh that " Allah Almighty is full on Asha and Bismas " . But the constitution guarantees equal freedom of religion and equal rights of all communities , at the same time declaring Islam as a major religion itself has been described as a secular state . Which is contrary to Islamic law . So the difference between Islamic law and democracy, the rights of those who came back from gumarahi talasi grabbed talks .

In the light of the establishment of democracy in mujasasama Habibullah huyurapaka Prophet of Islam or any other conventional system did not accept . Question they do not , because timni Book has been given directly to Allah Almighty from , eyaristatala or Plato not from the Roman Emperor not from , the Islamic policy on democracy has been accepted shy There is an opportunity, which is the name of the Caliphate, which the law would samajaniti .

Aristotle is the birthplace of today's world's democracy and he has created this management some 2.5 thousand years ago . After that, many advocates of democracy have come in the ages and have defined the basics of democracy in many ways, changing the social system in different ways .

However, if we talk about democracy, then we will not be able to finish it, even then, the principle of holy religion is Islam Khilafat which has been governed by the Holy Qur'an and the difference between democracy in today's world and the unbelief of the world is seen in front of you.

# Al- Qur'an: " All power is for Allah Pak only. "[ 2: 165]
Democracy: People are the source of all power.

# Al- Qur'an: " Nobody has the power to make a law other than Allah Pak. "[ 12:40]
Democracy: The only people, lawmakers, minister-MPs (alcohol, brothels may be legal), are entitled to legislation.

# Al-Qur'an: He is the Lord of sovereignty. [ 3:26]
Democracy: Owners of sovereignty.

# Al-Quran "( O Prophet), if you accept the verdict of the majority, they will leave you astray from the faith |" [ 6 And: to 116 for]
Democracy: Most of the verdicts are the final decision (most, if alcohol, gambling, prostitute, homosexuality is called jaize) .

# Al- Qur'an: " Allah Almighty has legalized the sale and forbidden the interest. "[ 2: 275]
Democracy: Democracy establishes an interest-based economy. Now there is nothing to be said about the interest that all of us are now interested.

# Al-Qur'an: adultery is a punishable offense. [ 24: 2]
Democracy: Parliament licenses the brothel (Zina).

# Al-Qur'an: Help each other in doing good and fearing God. Do not help one another in respect of sin and transgression. [ 5: 2]
Democracy: In most cases, the candidates will lose their reputation and competitor's slander.

# Al-Qur'an: Wine, gambling, lottery are banned. [ 5:90]
Ganatantrah the alcohol license. Gambling, the lottery is valid.

# Al- Qur'an: " O you who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians as friends. They are friends of each other. That you will make friends with them, setaderai included. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers to Allah. "[ 5:51]
Democracy: There is no problem. Take the friendship with whom you want (America, Israel, India, Russia, China), find the person you want.

Now, let's say in your hand, is the rule of democracy that is the rule of Allah Pak? Who is the custodian of Allah Pak, who wants to make this queen Malout Ershad?

See, Allah Pak says: " Those who do not make laws or governance in society through my revealed laws, they are the unbelievers, they are the wrongdoers, they are the falsifiers. " (Sura Maidah Sharif: 44-46)

So those who are operating the country in the democratic process, they are infidels. And those who manage to invent the interest-based economy, interest-free support, interest-based organizations are involved in the same disbelief.

"( Abu Daud Hadith No. 4031) Which means that those who want democracy in Bangladesh and support democratic leaders, they are also among them.

Allah Pak said, "I will make the unbelievers taste the torment of severe punishment, and I will surely punish them for their evil and deed deeds, this is the punishment of the enemies of Allah Almighty - hell, in it there is their permanent abode, and for their refusal to deny Our revelations." -Mim Sejdahah 27-28)

And those who meet Kalamullah Shareef's verses for their good wishes, and they oppose them, and Allah, the Exalted said to them, "Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in other parts? Therefore, there is no other reward than those of you who do this in this life. On the Day of Judgment, they will be sent back to the most severe punishment. And Allah is not ignorant about what you do. ( Surah Al-Baqarah verse 85)

A believer never God following verse and her Habib Messenger of his face can not, and if he momenadera found there the following verse clearly said that " Allah and His Messenger about anything, decide if any of the Mu ' min M or P ' Mean Woman There will be no other choice for any other decision . If anyone disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he will clearly misguided. Allah is with Allah and His Messenger, and whoever deals with them, the Fire is set for him. It will always be there. This is the great insult. ( Surah Ta'upah: 63) .

It is mentioned that the holy day has the fundamental differences of democracy with Islam , Allah Ta'ala says:

(1) " Allah Almighty is your owner , sovereignty . "( Al-Qur'an , 35:13) " Therefore, the great and noble Allah is the Supreme Lord , who is the absolute master of sovereign power over every subject . "( Al-Qur'an , 3683) ," do not you know that , in the heavens and the sovereignty of Yamin sam Hera specific to the Almighty Allah , timni there you have no friends , no one to help ? "( Al-Qur'an , II:

(2) There is party rule in democracy, that is, the state governs a group of people . If the Khalifa (head of the Islamic State) or the people's representative is a party, he will leave the party and become the Caliph . He will have no connection with the team and he will appoint officials on various subjects from the citizens of the country on the basis of merit .

(3) Democracy is in power for a certain period of time. But the Islamic Caliphate ruling until eligibility to the governed are able to stay on for it, he fails the moment, leave to take or leave it (caliphate established and Khalifah has been elected as pharja Similarly, the Qur'an and Sunnah in accordance with governing the country if it fails to dislodge pharja responsibility , Which the people observe as worship .)

(4) In a democracy, the majority opinion lawmakers passed a law and it can be any case . আইনসভার সংখ্যা গরিষ্ঠ সদস্য যদি বলে- মানুষ হত্যা করা উচিৎ তাহলে , তা আইনে পরিনত হবে(ইরাক , ফিলিস্থিন , লেবানন , ভারত , আফগানিস্থানে নিরপরাধ মুসলমানদের উপর হত্যাযজ্ঞ চালানোর আগে আমেরিকা , ইসরাইল এবং সহযোগী অন্য দেশগুলোর আইনসভায় এ সংক্রান্ত প্রস্তাব উত্থাপিত হয় এবং সংখ্যা গরিষ্ঠের ভিত্তিতে It is passed, ie, the matter of killing innocent Muslims is stately permissible , in this regard You are most aware .

But if the opinion of the majority of people in Islam is against the obvious law of Islam then it will never be able to accept it . But if there is any such thing - with whom Islam does not have any dispute, then in all cases decisions are taken based on the opinion of the majority . God is great ' Allah says: " My abatirnakara ruling by the rules of society, the provision does not, or does not , they are the disbelievers , ... they are unjust , ... they rebel . " (Al-Qur'an , 5: 44-46) .

(5) People have been given the responsibility of governing democracy in the democracy . But the reality of the power of the people's mandate , all of them orbiting power , is conducted , the authority of 4-5 years, there is really no power . If the ruling party is wrong or is against the public interest, it is to wait for 4/5 years for correcting another good judgment through election and if it is missed or if the people are deceived, then again they have to face the forehead for 4/5 years . But if a representative or caliph is wrong at any time in the Islamic caliphate, then any group of people in the community can make mistakes in the face of caliph , apologize , There is nothing to do with the caliph even if he speaks bitterly . Because he can not do anything personally because he is angry . If he fails to correct the mistake, he has to leave immediately .

(6) In a democracy, the leader, speaking good about his character, asked him to vote and declared that he was worthy of leadership . Not only this, other candidates are not good enough to preach with certainty, and they indulge in publicly or indirectly . Many times he makes a fictitious accusation against him and drives evil , crooked , weird moves so that people consider him the angel and his opponent as Satan .

But if he wants leadership in Islam - he is considered ineligible to lead and he is dropped or he gets farewell . The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) to find a leader from among the others who claimed to be the leader , because he had lost his leadership qualities due to taking leadership (once the two influential people came and told the Messenger of Allah () , "O Allah's Messenger ()! The ruler of our area is nominated Please . Allah's Apostle said , " We have not chosen a position of such a person , Who takes his position or is redrawn to the position . "( Bukhari Sharif) . And after the election of the caliph, if someone else came to say that this person is ineligible to become a caliph , I am worthy , make me a caliph, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Kill this person . Because he wants to create phetna , phetna serious than murder . And the caliph is the case that the Caliph has enforced the laws of the great Allah . The Holy Qur'an , Sunnah , Ijma , Following Ijtihad, solve the problem . He is unable to give his opinion in the fundamental case, so loyal people of Allah do not disagree with his words, but in the interest of the worship of Allah, the people obey orders , advice , prohibition . There is very little chance of a crack in the unity of the people. (The Messenger of Allah () said , " If a person breaks the loyalty of the Ameer (the ruler of the state or a caliph), then even after a period of time has passed away and dies in this condition , then that death will be the death of his ignorance . '- Muslim Sharif) . The fear of creation of anarchy is low , Because no one wants to take such a difficult responsibility normally . Moreover, there is a lot of material losses associated with this responsibility .

(7) The government party in democracy - there is an opposition party and they are each other's opponents, but many groups of the Khilafat exist, but neither party formed the government . From every group people can be trusted , honest , alim or highly educated , good character , to appoint one or more people able to lead in any situation , and then to the election committee (election committee members will not be elected as Caliph). . Whoever is to be nominated or elected, he can not ask for this verse himself , However, if nominated, the leadership can not refuse without serious reasons . Although he is not a member of the caliph, he does not represent the party . Before being a Caliph, he left the party and he was equal to all people irrespective of race , religion and caste . Therefore, both open and secret prayer to the Caliph it pharja state's policies , efforts will be kalyanakara .

(8) If the ruling authority in a democracy is to believe in the accountability of those (people), the ruling could stall , compromised to the composition . In some cases it is not possible for a man to find the dull traitor , because he is a limited creature .

But the Islamic management or the ruler of the caliphate believes in the principle of accountability to Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty is aware of all the manifest and hidden situations . He keeps account of humanity , outwardness , past , present , and future . It is not possible to deceive Allah , the Caliph know , follow , because he is a believer . He believes in giving apology to Allah .

(9) Democracy establishes capitalism in society . But Islam establishes - Quran and Sunnah, which systematically eliminates capitalism completely .

(10) In the democratic rule , there is a serious disparity between the ruling party , the opposition party and the upper class and the lower classes . Islamic management or Khilafat government group , there is no opposition party and there is no discrimination between rich and poor .

(11) The wealth of democracy is only rich among rich people, it is rich , more rich , poor, and more poor . In this system, resources from the poor are systematically stuck in the hands of the rich . The wealth of Khilafat circulates between rich and poor people . Because of the establishment of the Islamic economy, the rich are obliged to pay the poor wealth of God as worship . Not only by some people but by the state, economy is regulated , in which the balance of wealth is established and the welfare of all citizens is achieved .

(1) In a democracy, the people's resources are given to individuals or organizations and individuals handed over by its loss, he never wants to do , that the way to attain whatever she wants . As a result, their profits of suffering brought untold misery to the people . But Khilafat Khalifa or ruling people use their resources (water , forest , oil , gas , coal etc.) fairly and share them equally . They calculated that if the government of the people caliphate government facilities , services can offer free of charge , But the Khilafat government gives them free of cost to the people . This government does not think of gaining, but the aspect of service is dominant . The ruler has done this work as a worship and therefore there is the impression of devotion , sincerity , concentration, in every legal work .

(13) Some capitalists in the democracy control the market and they try to benefit from creating a worrisome crisis for their profit . The purchasing power of the people is not considered here , profit is considered . In the democracy it is legitimate and in the free market economy (capitalism) the ruler has nothing to say . But according to the purchasing power of the Khilafah , the value of the goods is determined , the government has given a lot of subsidy . Some people do not control the market here . By controlling the market, there is a provision for exemplary punishments by the government and the production of commodity crude by storing goods . In addition, the ruler inspires the people to behave in the fear of Allah and for the sake of Allah Almighty . As a result ,

(14) In the democratic system, because of the rich , influential class being more wealthy and systematically deprived of poor people, insecurity is created in society . The deprived people are angry and the wealthy are more vulnerable to the security of the rich , and the middle class also gets affected by it . There is a unstable situation in society . But in the Khilafat system, because of the goodwill of both the rich and the poor, the wealthy people are not victims of the loss of the poor, but they continue to give him protection .

(15) Democracy has been created from the consciousness of Islam and it is excluded from the Qur'an , Sunnah . But the Islamic Khilafat system is nominated by Allah and following the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) . Democracy has been created by Khalifat arrangements on the other side of human beings , plans and planes have been created by the great creator Allah Almighty . There are those who say Islam and democracy, Islam and wrong interpretation , Islam can never accept democracy , even to this day somewhere in the world, democracy is not established by Islam . And netritbera the evil woman , the Prophet's Hadith abamanara fruit , We can see it in front of us . And those who insult Allah's Messenger ()'s hadith and want to establish Islam in the country , they can not be Muslim anymore . " When your wealthy class becomes miserly , when you have authority in your affairs , it will be better for you than the surface of the earth ." "( Tirmizi Sharif) When you have authority over your affairs in the hands of your women , then the interior will be more beneficial for you than the surface of the earth . "( Tirmizi Sharif) When you have authority over your affairs in the hands of your women , then the interior will be more beneficial for you than the surface of the earth . "( Tirmizi Sharif)

" Hadrat Abu Bakr al-Siddiq alaihis salam was related to him . When the Prophet Alaihi Wa Sallam's the news reached that the ( Iranian) Persian people kisarara daughter (the girl) and their king has chosen , he said , the nation ever to achieve success that , in the race of their operations authority and responsibility A woman handed over to him . "( Bukhari Sharif and Tirmidhi Sharif)

If there is a lot more emphasis on this, I think that Allah's Rubbal Alamin and his Habib Noor Mujassam Rasool Allah (peace be upon him) are sufficiently forbidden for Momen .

But despite all the disbelief, Ershad says that God has been doing politics for us. Najubillah min Zalik !!!

So protest everyone and leave all the container carriers of this forbidden democracy and try to establish Islam as much as possible in order to create caliphate. Nobody is happy if the Almighty Allah Almighty will be happy.


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