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Mr. Trump May Be Arrested

Mr. Trump May Be Arrested

The United States police fear that there may be protests if former US President Donald Trump is arr…
The U.S. coast is likely to be hit by a pair of hurricanes

The U.S. coast is likely to be hit by a pair of hurricanes

As U.S. residents move away, the U.S. coast is likely to be hit by a pair of hurricanes
Face to face the US-Turkey

Face to face the US-Turkey

The United States and Turkey have suspended the visas of each other for a debate over the safety of…
90 percent of cholera will be eliminated by 2030

90 percent of cholera will be eliminated by 2030

The United Nations warns that there has been a severe outbreak of cholera in Yemen in a civil war. …
What happens when Muslims kill!
How the State of Israel was born by defeating the Arabs

How the State of Israel was born by defeating the Arabs

The Cibtus area is two miles north of Gaza, Palestine. Here in the 1930's the Jews from Poland …
The United States' hard message to Myanmar