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Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

In the last eight months, Turkish President Recht Tayyip Erdouan was always vocal about the Rohingya issue.

Mr. Erdouan directly said that genocide is being conducted on Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's Rakhine state.

Mayenmar genocide
As like Mr. Erdogan, no other Prime Minister has strongly talked against genocide's of Rohingya Muslim's 

On Tuesday, Mr. Erdouan has called directly to Myanmar's most powerful political leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who is worried and condemned to Miss Suu Chi for violating human rights of the Rohingya Muslims.

Tody morning the first lady of Turkey Mrs. Amine Erdogan came to Dhaka to see the helpless rohinga's.

Mrs. Amine Erdogan

She is accompanied by Turkish Foreign Minister. Today, they have to go to Rohingya shelters in Teknaf.

The question is why is the importance of the Rohingya issue to Turkey?

The Lion Of Muslims Sir Mr. Erdogan

Austin P. University professor and international relations analyst Dr. Taj Hashmi thinks there are a few reasons behind this.

Turkey was once a reputed country in the Muslim world. The entire Middle East and North Africa, except Iran, were included in the Turkish Empire.

Mr. Hashmi said, "Many people say Erdogan is the new sultan, he wants to return to Turkey's old roles (the role of the old regeneration of Turkey)."

Mr. Hashmi thinks that Mr. Erdogan's personal issues are involved in the issue of Rohingya issue.

He thinks Mr. Erdogan , known as Islamist, wants to be the main representative of the Muslim world.

Mr. Erdogan wants to bring Turkey to leadership positions instead of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in the Muslim world.

The Lion Of Muslims Sir Mr. Erdogan
Mr. Erdogan on the issue of Rohingya issue but how much pressure can he make on Myanmar?

Taj Hashmi thinks that the probability is very low. India and China are directly and America is indirectly supporting Myanmar ruling group, he said.

"Narendra Modi said, he will return the Rohingya Refugees, who vetoed the Security Council and opposed any action taken against Myanmar, and Donald Trump's policy regarding Muslims does not seem to be that America will come forward. It is not being upset, "said Taj Hashmi.

If he thinks that a new front can be raised on Rohingya issue with Bangladesh, then he is trying to Turkey.

If there is no pressure on Myanmar, then what will Mr. Erdogan gain from it?

Taj Hashmi thinks that Mr. Erdogan will be able to build a kind of image within the country and in the Muslim world by being vocal about the Rohingyas.

He said, "His image in the Muslim world will be created that he is a champion of Islam, he is trying to achieve unity in the Muslim world."

According to Taj Hashmi's analysis, Turkey wants Saudi Arabia to have a front with Iran and Bangladesh and Erdogan has a thought.

Turkey is trying to evacuate Bangladesh from the alliance of 55 Muslim countries under the leadership of Saudi Arabia.

If Turkey succeeds in its efforts, increasing its pressure on Saudi Arabia, Turkey's influence in the region would increase, Mr. Hashmi said.


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