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The Rohingya sister's letter to the Bengali people on Twitter, I summed up the essence.

I am a Rohingya (Myanmar) girl. Three years ago I passed Iftaa in the grace of Allah. Then create a very small family. Without going for years, our house was illuminated by a daughter. 

Suddenly some army men entered our house. When I saw them, I took the burqa and embraced her. They started pulling me by my hand, which caused my daughter to fall down on my hands. When they hand me the burqa to enjoy me, then my head turned around immediately. I said to Allah, "O Allah, I do not want to be indecisive to you, you give me faith." It seemed as if I had delayed seeking help from Allah. But he was not late to help me. Looking forward, I saw a little bit- For many days we do not use, there is no lender. We took it in hand and killed 6/7 soldiers.

Then some more soldiers entered the house. Now four soldiers hold me and two soldiers insert arms into my little child's shamefire. The girl stuttering in front of her eyes. In the meantime, when my husband came to the house, some soldiers would have killed him. And said to me, "We will all play together with you and your husband will see it, then we will kill both of you."

My husband, my child, was not illusory for anyone. Then I sought help from Allah. I did not bow down to some of them. Suddenly the eyes fell on one-sack ash. I do not know what happened! Then ran the ashes of the ashes and opened the ashes in front of their eyes. Alhamdulillah! Allah surrounds me with His mercy. Every army closed his eyes and abused me. I went a little bit in the opinion. They went to my husband and started slaughtering him, and said, "Whose wife is so strong, she will see her lover."
They genuinely tear off my husband's heart and they eat his heart. I could no longer tolerate the loss of knowledge.

After some time the knowledge returned. I do not know how long after the knowledge was returned. I went up and performed the wudu, thanked Allah and prayed. With a little cloth covered the body of the husband and daughter, I started walking for the unknown. After seven consecutive days of drinking water, I could not bear the irritation of hunger again; Then began to eat green leaves or grass.

One day, I was praying Zuhr hidden in the bush. When the prayer was over, I saw the soldiers shot me. The blood flowing through the arm is flowing. I do not know why I did not feel any pain. Remember the Sahabah Ajmen! When they used to pray, the disbelievers attacked them backwards. There are also those who disbelieved by shooting arrows in the prayers. Then why can not we die this martyr death! All these were thinking, the soldiers came very close by then. I ran to remember Allah. Finally, I jumped into the water. Do not know what happens next ...

Suddenly, some people standing around me are strangers standing around me. The burqa is all right in the body; But just know where one basket of feet is lost. I'm ashamed! All men are watching my feet. Do not know that Allah punishes me severely! I turned to prostration and fell down on prostrating after performing Wudu '. Later I came to know that when I was floating in the water, the body thought that the body was raised by a jail. I asked them for some food. But then nobody gave me a little food. Rather everyone went out one by one.

It started to move slowly. I went to some extent and saw a Hujoor and asked if there is any shelter center here. He lifted his head and said yes. I came to the shelter center with him. What a strange thing! Here, I can drink plenty of stomach food, I can not! And the food is so small that it falls under the belly. Yet we are happy Alhamdulillah!

After a while a gentle lady came in the police car. Who searched our girls. Then we separated our girls. You can say, many people who look beautiful, separated them. Meanwhile some young boys brought relief for us, But the local chairmen took relief from them, and returned them. The chairman gave us a little, they took away all of them. Some of us try to beat them because of a little more demand. Even some of the bad guys put their hands on the chest, shame in place. As a result, we all went silent.

Some people said that their money and jewelry or snatched Bangladeshi vultures. I was stunned and listening to all like mantras fascinated. Then suddenly a group of older girls came and brought us apart from our beautiful girls, in a hotel. I was also myself in this team. Then what happened to the surprise story! I do not know without a visa, without giving us a passport in a car and I dropped it out. Each of us had a sleeping injection, which made us unconscious.

After returning the knowledge, I stopped! Nothing else, we have been brought to a brothel. It seemed to me that Allah is trying hard on us. This is why the Bangladeshi hypocrites have done this situation! I repent to Allah. I have left the whole responsibility of my custody to Allah. Who has kept me holy even, after all, He will not disappoint me.

A Malaysian came to the brothel to spend the night with me. When he wanted to know my name and where he was, I was telling him everything. Suddenly, I noticed, he shook heavily in the winter. I asked, why this tremendous heat, shivering like a cold?He looked at me and said, walk behind me. By Allah, I will not do any harm.

I followed him a long way. He said, "I want to be good, give me a chance, I will not disobey Allah, I am all your responsibility, if you agree, I can marry you."
I agreed, he married me with a cash dowager. Everyday he read the books of Arabic and Hadith to me. Surely Allah has guarded me. But other girls like me did not get back from the brothels. Sorry for them!

If there is a cowardly state on earth, then it is Bangladesh! Those who do not hesitate to rob the wealth of helpless people, and torture women. Yes, the Bengali nation! You should hate it! Because you do not know to be grateful. When you fought in your country, we gave you shelter. And not only, but you have not got any courage to treat the hair. How many jokes! Why you are our neighbors! Got it, we are not your mother and sister.

O young Bengali! Prepare yourself too. Tell your mother and daughter, sisters and wives to strengthen shoulders. Because you will be persecuted soon. Will not you go to war? Do not protect women, can you sit in the house? Able to ???

Original author- Rohingya sister
Translator - Morium Ekrea


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