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Men in danger of plastic use!

Men in danger of plastic use!

Men's high blood pressure may be higher in the use of plastic products.

There may be problems like type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure in the use of plastic in daily work. So men have warned in using plastic products, researchers. Researchers at the University of Adelaide, South Australia's Health and Medical Research Institute of Australia have researched 1,500 men. They did research on the presence of chemicals called pathelate in the body of the male. Patchett has relationships with heart and diabetes. This information has been reported in a news agency Xinhua news agency.

The harmful chemicals used in the plastics and the components of the cancer cause harm to the environment, as well as harmful for health. Doctors and environmentalists are talking about the use of plastic bags and containers. Earlier, many studies have highlighted the harmful effects of plastic on health. Recently, Australian researchers did a research on the harmful substances of chemicals used on day-to-day plastics.

Researchers Jumin Shi said, "Every person (aged 99.6 percent) who are more than 35 years old, has found pathhela in his urine examination after eating food kept in plastic products. Those who have high levels of platelet have been found to have increased heart rate, type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure risk. However, we still do not understand the root cause of these diseases with Pathathal. However, the effect of the chemicals on the endocrine system is understood.

Previous studies have shown that those who drink soft drinks and eat packet foods, they have high levels of pathelate. References: IANS


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