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Myanmar army Photo: Reuters
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged world leaders to raise pressure on the to Myanmar stop the violence against Rohingyas. Meanwhile, the United Nations has urged the United Nations to impose sanctions on the Myanmar army.

The call came on Monday from Human Rights Watch to press for a solution to the ongoing crisis in Myanmar on the eve of UN General Assembly meeting in New York.

The news agency AFP reported that in the face of ongoing crisis, more than four lakh Rohingya neighbors of Myanmar fled to Bangladesh as refugees. Of which more than half are children. There they are living in a stable life. Every day new refugees are being added. That is why aid agencies operating there are struggling to carry out rescue operations.

On Sunday, the Myanmar government indicated that all those fled by the border will not be repatriated. They claim that they were involved in the attacks on police checkpoints and army camps in August last year, these refugees.

Any steps will be taken to return these refugees, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He is currently in New York to join the United Nations General Assembly. In the session, he will call on the world community to put more pressure on Myanmar.

Human rights organization HRW has urged Rohingya refugees to return safely as well as imposing sanctions on Myanmar's armed forces for the ongoing torture against Rohingya.

In a statement, the human rights organization said that Myanmar army is carrying out racial campaign against Rohingya Muslims. To stop this, the United Nations Security Council and the respective countries should impose arms restrictions on the Myanmar military forces.

The UN General Assembly urged the ongoing crisis to take precedence, to take the initiative to ban Myanmar officials and to seize their assets. HRW Asian Advocacy Director John Sifton said, "Myanmar senior military officials can respond to the international community's call when financial sanctions come in."


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