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A hindu terrorist insulted the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam

A hindu terrorist insulted the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam

Benglaru Riots
One of hindu terrorist of Bengaluru of India insulted The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, aginst insulting the Muslim community arranged a protest procession. The hindu terrorist police fired on the protest procession. On the spot 3 of them had died and 110 people arrested from the community of Muslim.

The Muslim community in Bengaluru, South India, erupted in protest at around 7pm on Tuesday for posting derogatory remarks about the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam on Facebook.

The incident started on Tuesday evening when Naveen, the nephew of local Congress MLA Akhand Srinivasamurthy, posted abusive language about the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam on Facebook.

Muslims went to the police station to seek legal help but the police refuse to take complaints.

Muslims began to protest in front of the MLA's house. Clashes broke out between the police and the Muslims when the police started using stick charges, tear gas and force on the Muslims without arresting the culprits. As a result, at least 3 confirmed Muslims were martyred in the police firing and 110 people were arrested. Troops are currently deployed in the area.

Police fired on Muslim Community
Police fired on Muslim Community

The surprising thing here is that only Muslims face in India are open fire!

As usual, blaming the whole incident on Muslims, the Congress and other secular parties have appealed to the BJP government in Karnataka to take stern action against Muslims.

🔥What is behind the incident? Plan to start pre-planned anti-Muslim riots? 🔥

Analyzing the chronology that we can see -

1. A Hindu blasphemer posted on Facebook about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which is a crime under several sections of the Indian Penal Code.

2. When the Muslims went to the police station to lodge a complaint, the police refused to take the complaint.

3. Muslims gathered in front of the MLA's house to protest.

4. Some strangers join the crowd and carry out acts of violence, including arson. As a result, the police got a license to open fire on Muslims.

5. At least 3 Muslims were martyred and several others were injured in critical condition.

On Tuesday night, some unidentified youths tried to make a noise by throwing bricks and stones at a temple at the protest site. As a result, the Muslim youths guarded the temple all night and protected it from any damage.

Combined with other anti-Muslim riots in India, it is clear that the Muslims did not try to attack the temple, but to start anti-Muslim riots in Bengaluru.

Bengaluru is a hub of employment for talented Muslim youth, talented Muslims from all over the country come here to work and study. And the Muslims of Bangalore are very aristocratic and rich.

Just like the Delhi genocide, an anti-Muslim satanic plan is being seen around the city of Bengaluru.


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