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Let's know how did landlord Rabindranath?

Nowadays, many of the zamindars, Rabindranath was very liberal and pragadardi But history gives its complete opposite testimony .Let's see what history says

1) " Rabindranath Tagore was a feudal prajapriyak zamindar  Under his influence, the increase of rent and forced labor force led to the liberation of Shilaidaha under the leadership of Ismail Molla . (Source: Prof. Amitabh Chaudhary , Landlord Rabindranath , Number of countries in the country)

Ii) around the reproach of cruelty and unfavorable to favorable winds , " Rabindranath Tagore's private secretary Amiya Chakravarty, once a small part of a huge estate proposed to donate to the poor prajasadharanera .Thakurmashai said straight from the eighth position in the ezachayer , " Ball keha amiya My Rathin (the name of the only son's son), then what will you eat ? Note: pioneer Roy wrote, quoting from the book " Tagore's political thought: Abu Jafar)

Let's know how did landlord Rabindranath?
3) Professor Arvind Poddar writes , " Zamindar is zamindari . And an increase in revenue , the people that all the weapons of torture and arbitrary conduct , permanent settlement had delivered the landlord class , the Tagore family sadabyabahare did not hesitate . Even the nationalist heartbeat, the repetition of the republicanism and the generous demand of Hindumala could not even lead zamindar Rabindranath from his class interests . ( Note: Arvind Poddar: Rabindranath and Political Articles)

4) Literary Annada Shankar Roy also said , " There was a desire to leave his semi-official job at Santiniketan and get a job . But Rabindranath is the zamindar margeir , not okay , and if he is wasting his job again, he will lack food . Rabindranath was an intolerant (intolerant) . The master who opposed Rabindranath's words did not have a job . "

5) Annada Shankar Roy says , " Tagore family was an oppressor as landlord . The village burned , kicked the people after the boot , and said Thakur , who is on the legs . Harinath Majumder recorded it . He who is known as Maharishi , also tends to dump the people in the same way . There is also the burning of the village . Abul Ahsan Chowdhury has all its documents . The entire Tagore family never benefited from the people . School , Never had to spend the dive . Communal intelligence came to the head of Rabindranath by bringing Namasudra praja to the tune of Muslim subjects . Kangal Harinath Majumdar wrote in his ' Village Barabha Prakashika ' that Tagore family was involved in the family dispute . "( Note daily Bengali Bangar , 14.04.1997 and 1.5.1997 numbers)

6) Bhupendranath Dutta, a close brother of Swami Vivekananda wrote for him , " Rabindranath is very feudal . "

7) Big deities of zamindars are money and interest . Although the dark side of the malignancy of the Tagore family is hidden behind the money and interests, it can not be removed from the actual history page . " Tagore family is at the Maharshi Harinath wrote to the landlords ," dharmamandire manusyasarire padukaprahara met and came out , that they can not hide . "( Ashok Chattopadhyay: Former British Indian Society , page 127 , 1988)

8) History of torture of persecuted people in Sirajganj is also found in the history . " In view of this, the transfer of the deputy magistrate of Sirajganj was ordered and the zamindars who were familiar with the upper lining of the government were known as ascetics , they proved that the cat was ascetic . As a result of this, Harinath had to study the zamindar of the zamindar . "( Ashok Chatterjee , that , p.128)

9) A few men persecuted the people for this Tagore family of Jorasako . Rabindranath and his exceptions were not . "In 1894, Rabindranath increased the rent of the farmers , also earned the rent [citation: Shachindra Adhikari , Shilaidaha and Rabindranath p. 18 , 117] ."

" All zamindars used to pay rent , but Rabindranath collected rent from the farmers of the area twice . Once the land revenue tax charges for the second time during Kali puja . "  (References: Rabindra Nazrul , author of the history , writer - government Shahabuddin Ahmed)

Today, the poet made the prajanipiraka prajapremi overload overload . How distorted history is ...


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