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The beginning of algebra was due to the contribution of Muslims.

The beginning of algebra was due to the contribution of Muslims.


The beginning of algebra was due to the contribution of Muslims.

The famous Muslim mathematician ‘Abu Al-Wafa Al-Buzjani’ (born: 939/40 CE - died: 997 CE), was born in Khorasan. He has made important contributions in all branches of mathematics.  However, his contributions to astronomy and trigonometry are incomparable.  Although al-Battani developed a great deal of trigonometry, Abul Wafar completed it.

Abul Wafa was the first to discover that the sum of two angled sine can be determined by sine and cosine. He discovered the basic law of current trigonometry Sin (A + B) = Sin A Cos B + Cos A Sin B. This formula was not known until before Abul Wafa, Even the so-called sixteenth-century scientist Copernicus was no knowledge of this. Abul Wafa is named as the main architect of trigonometry.  In the future we will discuss in more detail about Abul Wafa’s contribution to trigonometry.  InshaAllah!

References : 

•  Jacques Sesiano, "Islamic mathematics", in Selin, Helaine; D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan, eds. (2000), Mathematics Across Cultures: The History of Non-western Mathematics, 

• O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Mohammad Abu'l-Wafa Al-Buzjani", MacTutor History of Mathematics archive,


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