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The destruction of the Israeli Israel is inevitable !!!

The destruction of the Israeli Israel is inevitable !!!

This is proved by the noble verse 168, the Jews can not live together someday. But in reality, we see that they have been assembled for nearly 60 years by creating a separate state named Israel. In fact, Israel is not an independent and sovereign state. Rather, a military colonel made up of large powers against the Muslims.

The destruction of the Israeli Israel is inevitable !!!

The name of this colonial state is also a great political game of political power. Moreover, their presence in various parts of the world from today's world can be an indication of the final destruction, and these signs are gradually being revealed. If the Israelites are going to suffer in real danger, then it will be understood only if they are, even if there is a knowledge of Sunnah & Quran.

The total population of Israel is 7.1 million. Jews among them 5.5 million. The remaining 1.6 million Muslims And the total number of Muslims living in Gaza and West Bank stood at 5.5 million. Now Muslims are more than 100,000 Jews. By 2020, there will be more than 21 million (Can Israel Survive? Tim McGurk, The Time Magazine, January 19th, Bengali: Iftikhar amin, new horizon, 29 January '09, p. 6). Then the scene will change. So many intellectuals believe that the Palestinians should try to increase population without excluding the hopes of dual-state solutions. Although it will take decades, but it will cause the Israelis to suffer.

Besides, it is also a historical fact that no one survived and tortured. Rather, the fall of falsehood is inevitable. So Israel will also be destroyed one day. Because the Palestinians did not turn aside from the path of hundreds of martyrs. The old generation of Palestinians did not show any compatibility with the liberation war. The martyr's blood, the busted body of the bomb started to speak. The newly born child in the refugee camp is also in the dream of freedom. The people who enjoys being martyred can be killed and can not be destroyed. Can be blocked but the sky of freedom can not be disconnected.

And see what the consequences are waiting for them, in this Hadith Sharif. In the Holy Hadith Sharif, "I will not Kiamat until the Muslims will fight against the Jews, they will kill the Jews, and the Jews hide behind the stones and the trees, then the stones and trees will say, O Muslim! This is the Jew behind me. Come, kill him (Muslim Sharif: Hadith Sharif No. 82, Kitab al-Fitan, Mishkat Sharif, Hadith Sharif No. 5144). So it may be in Palestine The sign of the final destruction of the accumulation of the final destruction.

Finally, say the Palestine Muslims. Baitul Aksa Sharif is from the Muslims. No power in the world can deprive them of this right. And if the Muslim rulers really have a consensus, then the spirit of every conscience, will not hesitate to give up all their possessions in their faith towards the ongoing wrongdoing. Allah Pak is the true spirit of  Muslims ruller in the world. Amin !! The destruction of the Israeli Israel is inevitable !!!


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