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Naf war: Myanmar's helpless surrender

Naf war: Myanmar's helpless surrender

In 2000, 'Naf war' was formed between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Sixteen soldiers of Myanmar were killed even when a young man of Bangladesh did not die. In the end, Myanmar was forced to make peace with the defeat.

Major General Fazlur Rahman
In the description of the then BDR Chief Major General Fazlur Rahman, the history of losing the war in Myanmar is presented:

"I am just the BDR Director General. I saw the Nasaka force of Myanmar (now Border Police), sometimes by writing letters to us at the BDR Headquarters. The language of the letter written by the Nasaka army of Myanmar is not exactly the same, but it is somewhat worse or worse: "From NASAKA HQ to BDR HQ Bangladesh We are warning you to behave otherwise we will teach you will never forget. "

Generally, when a letter is written, there is a greeting/submission and last submission in the beginning of the letter according to custom. For example, with a greeting or a similar word, you can write a letter like the end of the letter or your personal or equal word. He has no pest of Nasaka letter written to us. Language and vocabulary are very poor and disrespectful.

After such a few letters came to me, I asked Director Operation BDR Colonel Rafique to call me in my office and send him a reply as a reply to the Nasaka headquarters in Myanmar and when I asked him what the response would be, then Colonel Rafiq asked me, "Sir, It is not right to send letters to the Nasaka headquarters in the language. They do not know well what they write by writing in English so they do not know by themselves. "

I said, "Rafiq, see. As we were in British Rule, Burma was also in the British Rule. If we can learn English, understand and write well, then Myanmar's Nasaka will not be able to write good English.

Still, when I saw Colonel Rafiq not agreeing, I asked him to leave and said, "I myself have typed a letter with decryption and sent you to the Nasaka Sadar."

At the beginning of the letter, I wrote the citation and the end submission, the language of which is rough: "Excellency, the letters we receive intermittently from your HQs are the worst in a choice of words and sentences of construction. Often you use filthy and uncivilized words which are never written to any Forces HQs like BDR Now any such of your letters will be considered seriously by us and you will be liable to face grime consequences. Be gentle and civilized, else we will teach you lessons how to be cultured and behave properly. "

However, such a letter was sent to the Nasaka headquarters over time. Surprisingly, after this letter, after the letter from the Nasaka headquarters, I came to the BDR headquarters in the presence of the Director General, all were written in the beautiful and elegant language. After that our fights with Myanmar have been fought.

Naf is the divisive river of Bangladesh and Myanmar. In fact it is divided into 12 branches. The government of Pakistan and Burma in 1966 signed the agreement that no one would interfere in the natural flow of the river or its branches. Besides, due to natural variation of the river depth, the border of the two countries will also be changed in that ratio.
So when I was appointed as Director General of the BDR, I was informed that 2800 acres of land in Bangladesh was illegally occupied by Miyanmar in the river. Because, for the illegal abuse of the agreement signed in 1966, the dam has created obstacles in the natural flow of the Naf river.

Suddenly they started construction of a dam in the last section of the Naf river, and if they succeeded, the entire Teknaf region would have disappeared in the Bay of Bengal.
We protested, but Myanmar did not take it for granted and continued their work. They deployed two divisions, led by two Major Generals, one each from Burmese Army and Navy for the protection of their establishment (9 dams).

In this context, we prepared around 2,500 BDR soldiers directly under my leadership. I sent about 25 lakhs war material (rifles, bullets, gun powder) to Cox's Bazar, half of which was stored in Cox's Bazar and the other half sent to Teknaf.
On 2nd January 2000, at 2:30 pm I instructed our soldiers to attack the opponent and they started counter-attacks. This war was lasting for three days so that about 600 Burmese soldiers were killed.

On January 4th, Myanmar's head of state General Than Soo called the diplomats in the capital Rangoon, saying they do not want to fight with Bangladesh anymore. Myanmar sent a letter to Bangladesh asking for the closure of the attack, which was written, "We want Bangladesh and we decide to settle the issues which are discussed together without any preconditions."

Then, in Maungdaw in Myanmar, the discussion began at the secretariat level (Political Affairs), which was led by Bangladesh's Home Secretary Janibul Haque. During the bilateral talks, the Myanmar side was so upset that they did not provide the type of writing and had to write the contract at the end.

Finally, the dam was forced to move the dam from the river of Myanmar. As a result, we were able to protect Teknaf from being deserted in the Bay of Bengal. So, without any loss of life, we defeated Myanmar forces from Bangladesh. This is the true story of the war. "


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