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Why Allah SWT Has Created Women !!!

Why Allah SWT Has Created Women !!!

Dear sister, When Allah created you (and all women), He made you so sensible, so fragile that: A single word will be your heart and you will be able to build up dreams and also a single word will be your little heart break and all your sweep away Dreams, why do not you have a girlfriend, do not have a girlfriend, do not have Khalwah (be alone) with a non-mahram, to talk to strangers with intimately, to have friendship with Opposite sex ...

Apart from that, he does not want to be "empty"! Because an empty heart will look like it is a human nature! So the big step you want to take is your heart with the love of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la.

Why Allah SWT Has Created Women !!!
Because when Allah's Love will find a place deep in your heart and fill it, it will not let any other forbidden love to be in it. You may say "but I love Allah and I still can not leave my bf" I would tell you: "If you put Allah in your priorities in this Dunya if you put" pleasing HIM "after your bf in your "List" then this is not loved! The Love of Allah will take you to the higher position, raise your heart to purity and built a strong shield around it that any Haram love can not find a way to it. So dear sister please do not sell

Let HIS LOVE be the first in your heart

Tips: If You Are Good To Read My Post Then Do Not Forget To Share Your Friends And Family Thanks


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