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Simple But True Love Story Of a Husband & Wife

Simple But True Love Story Of a Husband & Wife

If You speak about the word Love? then most of the people will think that maybe you wanted to say about tow teenagers who love each other though its Haram Having boyfriend and girlfriend in Islam. by the way, a little explanation to you all below about True Love. 

A very poor man lived happily with his wife, despite their financial difficulties. One day, his wife who had very long hair asked him to buy her a comb for her hair. She wanted it to grow well and to be well-groomed.The man felt very sorry as he loved his wife very much but he had to say no. He explained that he did not even have enough money to fix the strap of his watch which he had just broken. Trying hard to smile, she nodded and never again did she insist on her request ever again.

The man went to work the next day, through a different route which had a watch shop along the way. He had decided to sell his damaged watch at a low price. He then went to buy a comb for his wife. When he came home in the evening, he was very excited to surprise his wife, with the comb in his hand. Instead, he was astonished when he saw his wife with a very short haircut! She had sold her hair and was holding a new watch band. Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes, not for the futility of their actions, but for the reciprocity of their love.

Qur'an Sharif has an Quote:” And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.“ (Quran, 30:21) Do you understand what is love?

Simple But True Love Story Of a Husband & Wife
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