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Now, Grameenphone is promoting homosexuality plays in their Facebook page

Now, Grameenphone is promoting homosexuality plays in their Facebook page

GP dedicated to the "Rainbow" in the title Grameenphone

GP dedicated to the "Rainbow" in the title Grameenphone 's wall video promoted homosexuality[]posted a GP. Grameenphone isgoing to show the country's law on the issue of millions of Muslim people without taking a toll on millions of people's protest.

While homosexuality is a bad animal: Holy Deen Islam, kill homosexuals And as a domestic law send to jail!

Deen Islam says: Ibn Abbas Raidallahu Ta'ala Anhu narrated from him He has Irshad Mubarak Swallallahu Messenger Messenger , Prophet Lot, peace be upon him, as the people of his crime (homosexual) Get involved in killing both (Documentary Sunni Abu Daud Sharif, Sunan Ibn Majah Sharif, Musnad Ahmad Sharif) 

Ibn Abbas says he Radiallahu Ta'ala be pleased n abn bas, qal qal rswl allh sly allh lyh wslm "mn wjdtmwh yml ml qwm lwt faqtlwa alfal walmfwl bhThe Messenger of Allah's Apostle said Swallallahu , if you find one that Prophet Lot, peace be upon him in his community (homosexuality) is not used , then kill him, and that he is doing that too (The document is from Jame ' At-Tirmidhi Kitab al-Hadid-Hadith Sharif No. 1456 , Sahih , Ibn Majah Sharif: Hadith Sharif No. 3561, Abu Daud Sharif: Hadith Sharif No. 38-4447) 

The owner, who asked him rahamatullahi rahamatullahi's bin Shihab [ hdthny malk anh sal n aldhy yml shhab abn abn shhab fqal lwt qwm ml aw lyh alrjm ahsn lm yhsnWhat is the punishment of male homosexual men ? He said , he must be stoned , whether he is married or unmarried (Documentary sources: Muayatta Imam Malik Hudud, chapter 1518)

And Bengali law says that homosexuality and sexual acts under section 377 of the Bangladesh Penal Code are punishable by criminal offenses It can be punished with life imprisonment and fine with ten years from now .

According to the religion of the religion, according to the laws of the law, the life of life is imprisoned even after the horrific terrible crime of the state authorized media ?

Demonstrate so deeply the religion and state law The constitution breaks

RTV wins authorities Sponsored worst GP wins They are fueled by promoting treason in a state criminal offenses The company introduced the perverted two , three .

We are strongly condemning this inequality At the same time, demanding exemplary punishment of every authority involved in this dirty work .


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