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Hindu OC (investigation) Babu Kumar Saha has ordered to break two mosques in Kamdangirchar - with video

Hindu OC (investigation) Babu Kumar Saha has ordered to break two mosques in Kamdangirchar - with video

The government will break two mosques at Kamrangirchar in the capital Dhaka. You can only defend the collective protest of all of us as we protested together, we saved the holy mosque of Ganderia in Dhaka in the month of Ramadan.

Hindu OC (investigation) Babu Kumar Saha has ordered to break two mosques in Kamdangirchar - with video

However, share this news quickly and inform everyone that everyone will protest.

The origin of the incident is that the government has taken initiatives to dismantle two mosques in Kamrangirchar area of Bangladesh's capital, Bangladesh's Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA)

Name of the mosque: Mosque-e-Aqsa (Ashrafabad, Kamrangirchar) and Nurjahan Jame Mosque (Ashrafabad, Kamrangirchar).

The place of the mosque is the waqfed place of public. But BIWTA authorities claim that they were wrong as before, now there is a need to grab the places of the mosque as new.

During the holy Zuma prayers today, the Hindu Police (OC investigation: Babu Kumar Saha) came to the announcement to break the mosque. In this situation, the worshipers of the holy mosque came to the streets and chanted slogans to protect the holy mosque.

The following videos can be seen where the worshipers protested


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