Abu Hanifa. Imam Abu Hanifa. Hanafi
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Imam Azam Sayyiduna Hajrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi His Life Mubarak
Praise be to Allah Pak and endless saiyyidula Mursaalin duruda and peace, al Mursaalin, khatamuna nabiiyina, Habibullah Swallallahu Apostle to him.
Contact Mubarak:
He is a Tabi His name is Numan bin Thabit bin Mubarak bin marijuana Yuta (نعمان بن ثابت بن زوطا بن مرزبان) to 80 AH, during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan Imam Abu Hanifa in the city of Kufa, Iraq's rahamatullahi biladati Shan expressed Mubarak. His father Sabit bin Jutta was a honest businessman in Kabul, Afghanistan. During his childhood, he learned business from his father. Along with business, he was present at the dargah of the great Muhaddis and Fakih of the era.
When Imam Sha'bi came to the door of Rahmatullahi Alaihari, he said to him, "I see in you the wonderful talent and talent of Benaese." Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi said, His words influenced me. From then on, I walked off the market and drove myself to the study of the knowledge. From then on, he gave all his possessions in understanding. Especially in Eile-Hadith and Ilm Fiq When he was a scholar on the tradition of the Hadith, he was studying Ilm Hadith throughout the world, for that reason he was able to benefit from all the great Hadith scholars and jurists of that time. He learned 'Ilm Qalam' in the town of Qufa. Then, the leading phiqa scholars of Kufa were getting knowledge of Hammad Rahmatullahi Alaihi. Then in 120 years' Hazrat Hammad was replaced by Rahmatullahi alaihir and he took the authority of 'Madrasatur Rai' of Kufa. In addition, he was regarded as the unique imam of Iraq and received great fame. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihari Shaikh and the number of Muslims are four thousand. Among them are Imam Shabi, A'mash, Simak ibn Harb, Hasan Basri, Shuba, Qatadah, Ata ibn Abi Rabah, Ikrimah and Hammad Ibn Abi Sulaiman Rahmatullahi Alaihi.
He is also known as Imam Abu Hanifa.
Abu Hanifah rahamatullahi lakbaba him-him more than 48 Mubarak (title) was a significant lakbaba tanmadhye - imame A'azwam, Imam al mukassirina Phil Hadith, hakimula Hadith, Imam al Kabir Phil phikbaha, al Umam, al aimma, etc.
Accepting the accusation:
he first took the oath of allegiance in the hands of Imam Sayyid Baqir alaihis salam-his and after his Bisal Sharif, his son became acclaimed to Hazrat Imam Sayyid Zafar Sadiq Alaihis Salam. Regarding the allegation of Shaykh or Murshid Qibla in his hands, he said: "If it had not come for two years, it would have been destroyed." (Saiful Muqdalidin, Fatwāl Siদ্dīqqīya), that is, if he had not been sworn by his teachings, he would have been destroyed or misguided.
Muyaphaphaka alamakki rahamatullahi him (564 AH.) Manakibu Abi Hanifah 'book (Volume II, page: 151152) Sad bin Muadh rahamatullahi Abu isama be mentioned in the quotes. He narrated from Abu Sulaiman Jujazani, from Imam Muhammad Rahmatullahi, and he narrated from Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullahi alaihi.
Abu Yusuf said imama rahamatullahi's
كنا نكلم أبا حنيفة في باب من أبواب العلم, فإذا قال بقول واتفق عليه أصحابه درت على مشايخ الكوفة هل أجد في تقوية قوله حديثا أو أثرا? فربما وجدت الحديثين أو الثلاثة فآتيه بها, فمنها ما يقبله ومنها ما يرده, فيقول: هذا ليس بصحيح أوليس بمعروف, وهو موافق لقوله! فأقول له: وما علمك بذلك? فيقول: أنا عالم بعلم الكوفة.
'We used to discuss a chapter with Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi. Then when he gave a decision and his companions also agreed, I would have gone to the Shaykhs of the disbelievers, otherwise no other hadith or support was given in support of his decision. I would never have two or three hadith. After being presented to him, he would have accepted any one, and one had to boycott him saying that it is neither sahih nor Maruf. But it is in favor of its decision. I used to say, 'how is your knowledge about this?' He would say, I am the holder of the knowledge of the city of Kufa. He was the holder of the knowledge of the Kufa scholars.
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi has managed 12 lakh 90 thousand months.
► It is narrated from Amr Bin Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) Rswl qal
allh - sly allh lyh wslm - «adha hkm alhakm fajthd fasab flh ajran wadha hkm fajthd
Prophet has said:" When a specialist commands, and he has personal judgment, then it is correct, then it is for the two T. Thawab And if I make a mistake by Ijtihad, then there is a reward for him.
{Sahih Bukhari, 6919, Sunan Abu Daud 3576,
Sahih Muslim 4584} Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Aaliyyi was the first person to compile Ilm Hadith in Fiqh and recorded the book 'Quitabul Aasar', an invaluable book. Then Imam Malik Rahmatullahi Alaihi wrote the Muwatta Book after him.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best among the followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the next Prophets of the Companions were the companions of the tribes. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi was Tabei. There were only two or three narrators between him and Allah's Messenger (). The Hadith narrated in it was considered to be the most sahih.
✽ Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi 33 to 34 scholars have directly educated them. Some of the companions were mentioned in this regard.
1) Hadrat Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) (Ophat 93 AH)
2) Hazrat
Abdullah Ibn Abi aopha reported (died 87 AH) 3) The sahala bin Sa'd reported (died 88 AH)
4) Abu tophayala reported (died 110 AH)
5) Abdullah bin yubayadi reported (died 99 AH)
6 Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) (Ophat 94 AH) is
a memorable event:
once a person, Hazrat Saiyiduna Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah He has appeared in his khidam and he prayed, sir! In one place I kept some money for Hifajat. But now, despite the efforts, he can not remember the place.
But money is very necessary. Sayyiduna Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi said, "O person, this is not a reasonable maniyaa. I will solve?
The stranger pleaded with great humility and said, My lord - Say a solution. Hazrat Saiyiduna Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi said, go and do wudu prayer and keep praying all night.
The person started his house by performing Wudu '. Sayyiduna Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi said, "O man, how will the devil tolerate that you keep praying all night?" So, two of the four rakayat reminded not to read. But you should have been happy to spend the rest of the night in prayer. "
Subhan Allah (Tasiratun Nouman 356). Fiqh
Fiqh (الفقه) is an Arabic word. Its lexical meaning is perception, understanding something deeply, realizing, Precision etc.
Renowned scholar Allama Abul Fadl jamaluddina Dictionary rahamatullahi Prophet Muhammad al-misari said,
allm balshy walfhm lh
"The literal meaning of the word fiqh is known and understood about anything." [Lisanula Arab]
Islamic jurisprudence, Through the study, the laws of Islamic Shari'a are known in all matters of everyday life of the people.
The practical form of the fundamental laws of the Qur'an and Hadith is the Fiqh scripture. Sayyiduddin Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi was the Imam of Fiqvi Masayla.
(A fiqh for a devil is more terrible than the
(silly ). "(Tirmidhi). Majahab (مذهب) is one of the important instructions contained in the Fiqh. If someone acquires everything from the Sunnah ijma qiyas fiqh, then do not obey his math He will do it by throwing himself out of the masala, but the common Muslim who does not know about the Sunnah ijma kyas Amin.
❶ Hanafi (Sunni) Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi
The followers of Maliki (Sunni) Imam Malik Rasmatullahi Alaihi are called Maliki.
❸shafafi (Sunni) Imam Shafi Rasmatullahi is called the Shafi'i of followers.
The followers of Hanafi (Sunni) Imam Ibn Hanbal Rasmatullahi Alaihi are called Hanbali.
Hanafi Ma'hab:
Hanafi (الحنفي) is the most famous of the Ahl al Sunnat Wall Jamaat. Sayyidunah Imam Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi, following the guidance of his mother, the people of this opinion. As in most Muslim countries of the world; Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, This doctrine is common in many countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Besides, there are billions of Muslims in this world around the world. He used to stay in Baghdad city of Iraq. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi is known as a big imam among the four eminent Imams. According to many, he has accepted the traditions of Al-Madinah Sharif. In fact, he gave importance to the last work of Nur Mujassam Habibulah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. And so Hanafi is the best and fullest dictionary.
When in the last period, when the Prophet ছাyū Ruhullah (peace be upon him) would return to the earth again, but the Prophet ni nur no other than Mujaasam Habeebullah Huzur Pak Challallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as his disciple. But since he is a Prophet, he does not need to follow any of his maths, or he is following his khilafah. He is the Qur'an, The Sunnah Sharif should do the work by doing it out of the way. But people will think that by their deeds, they follow the Hanafi madhhab. That is, his intestate and Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi in Imam will be perfectly matched with his Istihad. subhanALLAH. Therefore, Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi He is very easy to understand how much he was possessing samuhaj.
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi, the learned Imam and the opinion of the jurists
► Imam Shafei Rahmatullahi said that
all the people of fiqh are from the family of Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi.
(Acharula phikahila Islamic, p 223)
allama Asqalani Haafiz Ibn Hajar said rahamatullahi him
, "Abu Sharif hanipharahamatullahi him he heard his bichala phikbaha celebrated priest and hadith,
Saphai school's main compilers Ibn jariha hamatullahi expressed deep sorrow and said,
"Ah! I am missing an inexhaustible mine today. "
(Taheb al-Jahid Vol. 1, p: 450)
► Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullahi narrates that
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi has not been more knowledgeable than mine. He was more inscrutive about me than Sahih Hadith '.
► One of Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi Alaihir, Ustad Makki Bin Ibrahim Rahmatullahi alaihi, said about Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi,
"Abu Hanifahrahman alaihi was the best scholar of his time" (Manabhebe Imam Azam Rah.
1/95) ►Emam Tirmidhi Rahmatullahi Alaihi mentioned many words of the Kufabis. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi was born in this Kufa city and in this city, he got the opportunity to study.
► Hajjatul Islam Imam Ghazzali Rahmatullahi Imam Azam Abu Hanifa expressed this opinion about Rahmatullahi alaihi - It is said that Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi used to offer Tahajjud's prayer at half-night. Whenever he was going by the road, pointing to him, one person said to another person: This is the person who spent the whole night worshiping Allah. From that day, Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi was awake all night and used to say that to Allah I am ashamed that people say this about my worship, Which is not within me.
Bisal Sharif:
763 The Abbasid Dynasty Khalifa al-Mansur proposed to appoint Abu Hanifa as Chief Justice of the state but he refused the proposal to remain independent. His student imam Abu Yusuf was given the charge of the Chief Justice. Imam Abu Yusuf al-Mansur explained that he did not think he was fit for the post. Al-Mansur's offer of this position was his own due to Khalifa, after rejecting the proposal of Imam Abu Hanifa Mansoor accused him as a liar. Imam Abu Hanifah said, "If I am a liar, my opinion about rejecting the proposal is correct, Because of how you will put a lieist in the position of Chief Justice. "Al-Mansur Imam Abu Hanifa, who was imprisoned and imprisoned, was tortured.
In 150 AH, Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Ali was 67 years old, Mubarak got Bisal Sharif. During his stay in the city of Baghdad, he learned to eat poisoning with food and then fell down in sijdah and died under sijdah. The reason for his bishal Sharif is not clear. Some people say they are executed inside the prison.
After the death, Karamat revealed: When
he was in jail, only three days before the death, Imam Abu Hanifah rahmatullahi came to him with a trickle in a grandson old priest. When the old woman offered Suwal to her house, Khaddim thought that she was very pious and she refused to present it, the old woman started crying. Understanding the matter, Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Abu Aziz Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi khademake called the question, what happened? The Prophet () said, "O Imam Azam Rahmatullahi Alaihi, this foolish old lady is asking that your beard is worth more than Mubarak's price and the price of his goat's thor is more? In spite of knowing the Imam Sahib, he replied, Go and tell the old woman I will reply to the old woman three days later Insha Allah After three days of Allah Pak, Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi, the Imam, made the pilgrim. After completing his bathing mubarak, he was being taken to meet the people of the people and to carry out the funeral prayer and burial of Mubarak. At that moment, the wicked granny began to understand the opportunity, saying that your Imam Ji survived and fled in the fear of responding to my masala. Then Imam Abu al-Hanifah rahmatullahi sitting on the Khatia himself sat and sat up and said to his voice Mubarake loudly, O my strength, my reply was clear on that day, but I did not say, because I suspected that I could believe in Allah's Messenger (PBU) or not? I believe that losing it died, would then your goat Thota fur valuable would be, but that you should keep my faith with died, I and my beard Mubarak's worth your goat Thota fur than the millions of times respected. "He punahraya bed and lay down, which appears Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH. I suspected that I can go and believe in the interview of Allah Pak leader? If I had lost my faith, then your goat's throat would have been worth the wool, but you should keep it with the faith, and so the value of my beard Mubarak is worth millions of times more than your thighs of fowl. "He recited it, Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH. I suspected that I can go and believe in the interview of Allah Pak leader? I believe that losing it died, would then your goat Thota fur valuable would be, but that you should keep my faith with died, I and my beard Mubarak's worth your goat Thota fur than the millions of times respected. "He punahraya bed and lay down, which appears Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH.
Contact Mubarak:
He is a Tabi His name is Numan bin Thabit bin Mubarak bin marijuana Yuta (نعمان بن ثابت بن زوطا بن مرزبان) to 80 AH, during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan Imam Abu Hanifa in the city of Kufa, Iraq's rahamatullahi biladati Shan expressed Mubarak. His father Sabit bin Jutta was a honest businessman in Kabul, Afghanistan. During his childhood, he learned business from his father. Along with business, he was present at the dargah of the great Muhaddis and Fakih of the era.
When Imam Sha'bi came to the door of Rahmatullahi Alaihari, he said to him, "I see in you the wonderful talent and talent of Benaese." Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi said, His words influenced me. From then on, I walked off the market and drove myself to the study of the knowledge. From then on, he gave all his possessions in understanding. Especially in Eile-Hadith and Ilm Fiq When he was a scholar on the tradition of the Hadith, he was studying Ilm Hadith throughout the world, for that reason he was able to benefit from all the great Hadith scholars and jurists of that time. He learned 'Ilm Qalam' in the town of Qufa. Then, the leading phiqa scholars of Kufa were getting knowledge of Hammad Rahmatullahi Alaihi. Then in 120 years' Hazrat Hammad was replaced by Rahmatullahi alaihir and he took the authority of 'Madrasatur Rai' of Kufa. In addition, he was regarded as the unique imam of Iraq and received great fame. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihari Shaikh and the number of Muslims are four thousand. Among them are Imam Shabi, A'mash, Simak ibn Harb, Hasan Basri, Shuba, Qatadah, Ata ibn Abi Rabah, Ikrimah and Hammad Ibn Abi Sulaiman Rahmatullahi Alaihi.
He is also known as Imam Abu Hanifa.
Abu Hanifah rahamatullahi lakbaba him-him more than 48 Mubarak (title) was a significant lakbaba tanmadhye - imame A'azwam, Imam al mukassirina Phil Hadith, hakimula Hadith, Imam al Kabir Phil phikbaha, al Umam, al aimma, etc.
Accepting the accusation:
he first took the oath of allegiance in the hands of Imam Sayyid Baqir alaihis salam-his and after his Bisal Sharif, his son became acclaimed to Hazrat Imam Sayyid Zafar Sadiq Alaihis Salam. Regarding the allegation of Shaykh or Murshid Qibla in his hands, he said: "If it had not come for two years, it would have been destroyed." (Saiful Muqdalidin, Fatwāl Siদ্dīqqīya), that is, if he had not been sworn by his teachings, he would have been destroyed or misguided.
Muyaphaphaka alamakki rahamatullahi him (564 AH.) Manakibu Abi Hanifah 'book (Volume II, page: 151152) Sad bin Muadh rahamatullahi Abu isama be mentioned in the quotes. He narrated from Abu Sulaiman Jujazani, from Imam Muhammad Rahmatullahi, and he narrated from Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullahi alaihi.
Abu Yusuf said imama rahamatullahi's
كنا نكلم أبا حنيفة في باب من أبواب العلم, فإذا قال بقول واتفق عليه أصحابه درت على مشايخ الكوفة هل أجد في تقوية قوله حديثا أو أثرا? فربما وجدت الحديثين أو الثلاثة فآتيه بها, فمنها ما يقبله ومنها ما يرده, فيقول: هذا ليس بصحيح أوليس بمعروف, وهو موافق لقوله! فأقول له: وما علمك بذلك? فيقول: أنا عالم بعلم الكوفة.
'We used to discuss a chapter with Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi. Then when he gave a decision and his companions also agreed, I would have gone to the Shaykhs of the disbelievers, otherwise no other hadith or support was given in support of his decision. I would never have two or three hadith. After being presented to him, he would have accepted any one, and one had to boycott him saying that it is neither sahih nor Maruf. But it is in favor of its decision. I used to say, 'how is your knowledge about this?' He would say, I am the holder of the knowledge of the city of Kufa. He was the holder of the knowledge of the Kufa scholars.
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi has managed 12 lakh 90 thousand months.
► It is narrated from Amr Bin Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) Rswl qal
allh - sly allh lyh wslm - «adha hkm alhakm fajthd fasab flh ajran wadha hkm fajthd
Prophet has said:" When a specialist commands, and he has personal judgment, then it is correct, then it is for the two T. Thawab And if I make a mistake by Ijtihad, then there is a reward for him.
{Sahih Bukhari, 6919, Sunan Abu Daud 3576,
Sahih Muslim 4584} Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Aaliyyi was the first person to compile Ilm Hadith in Fiqh and recorded the book 'Quitabul Aasar', an invaluable book. Then Imam Malik Rahmatullahi Alaihi wrote the Muwatta Book after him.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best among the followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the next Prophets of the Companions were the companions of the tribes. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi was Tabei. There were only two or three narrators between him and Allah's Messenger (). The Hadith narrated in it was considered to be the most sahih.
✽ Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi 33 to 34 scholars have directly educated them. Some of the companions were mentioned in this regard.
1) Hadrat Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) (Ophat 93 AH)
2) Hazrat
Abdullah Ibn Abi aopha reported (died 87 AH) 3) The sahala bin Sa'd reported (died 88 AH)
4) Abu tophayala reported (died 110 AH)
5) Abdullah bin yubayadi reported (died 99 AH)
6 Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) (Ophat 94 AH) is
a memorable event:
once a person, Hazrat Saiyiduna Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah He has appeared in his khidam and he prayed, sir! In one place I kept some money for Hifajat. But now, despite the efforts, he can not remember the place.
But money is very necessary. Sayyiduna Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi said, "O person, this is not a reasonable maniyaa. I will solve?
The stranger pleaded with great humility and said, My lord - Say a solution. Hazrat Saiyiduna Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi said, go and do wudu prayer and keep praying all night.
The person started his house by performing Wudu '. Sayyiduna Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi said, "O man, how will the devil tolerate that you keep praying all night?" So, two of the four rakayat reminded not to read. But you should have been happy to spend the rest of the night in prayer. "
Subhan Allah (Tasiratun Nouman 356). Fiqh
Fiqh (الفقه) is an Arabic word. Its lexical meaning is perception, understanding something deeply, realizing, Precision etc.
Renowned scholar Allama Abul Fadl jamaluddina Dictionary rahamatullahi Prophet Muhammad al-misari said,
allm balshy walfhm lh
"The literal meaning of the word fiqh is known and understood about anything." [Lisanula Arab]
Islamic jurisprudence, Through the study, the laws of Islamic Shari'a are known in all matters of everyday life of the people.
The practical form of the fundamental laws of the Qur'an and Hadith is the Fiqh scripture. Sayyiduddin Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi was the Imam of Fiqvi Masayla.
(A fiqh for a devil is more terrible than the
(silly ). "(Tirmidhi). Majahab (مذهب) is one of the important instructions contained in the Fiqh. If someone acquires everything from the Sunnah ijma qiyas fiqh, then do not obey his math He will do it by throwing himself out of the masala, but the common Muslim who does not know about the Sunnah ijma kyas Amin.
❶ Hanafi (Sunni) Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi
The followers of Maliki (Sunni) Imam Malik Rasmatullahi Alaihi are called Maliki.
❸shafafi (Sunni) Imam Shafi Rasmatullahi is called the Shafi'i of followers.
The followers of Hanafi (Sunni) Imam Ibn Hanbal Rasmatullahi Alaihi are called Hanbali.
Hanafi Ma'hab:
Hanafi (الحنفي) is the most famous of the Ahl al Sunnat Wall Jamaat. Sayyidunah Imam Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi, following the guidance of his mother, the people of this opinion. As in most Muslim countries of the world; Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, This doctrine is common in many countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Besides, there are billions of Muslims in this world around the world. He used to stay in Baghdad city of Iraq. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi is known as a big imam among the four eminent Imams. According to many, he has accepted the traditions of Al-Madinah Sharif. In fact, he gave importance to the last work of Nur Mujassam Habibulah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. And so Hanafi is the best and fullest dictionary.
When in the last period, when the Prophet ছাyū Ruhullah (peace be upon him) would return to the earth again, but the Prophet ni nur no other than Mujaasam Habeebullah Huzur Pak Challallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as his disciple. But since he is a Prophet, he does not need to follow any of his maths, or he is following his khilafah. He is the Qur'an, The Sunnah Sharif should do the work by doing it out of the way. But people will think that by their deeds, they follow the Hanafi madhhab. That is, his intestate and Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi in Imam will be perfectly matched with his Istihad. subhanALLAH. Therefore, Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi He is very easy to understand how much he was possessing samuhaj.
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi, the learned Imam and the opinion of the jurists
► Imam Shafei Rahmatullahi said that
all the people of fiqh are from the family of Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi.
(Acharula phikahila Islamic, p 223)
allama Asqalani Haafiz Ibn Hajar said rahamatullahi him
, "Abu Sharif hanipharahamatullahi him he heard his bichala phikbaha celebrated priest and hadith,
Saphai school's main compilers Ibn jariha hamatullahi expressed deep sorrow and said,
"Ah! I am missing an inexhaustible mine today. "
(Taheb al-Jahid Vol. 1, p: 450)
► Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullahi narrates that
Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi has not been more knowledgeable than mine. He was more inscrutive about me than Sahih Hadith '.
► One of Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi Alaihir, Ustad Makki Bin Ibrahim Rahmatullahi alaihi, said about Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi,
"Abu Hanifahrahman alaihi was the best scholar of his time" (Manabhebe Imam Azam Rah.
1/95) ►Emam Tirmidhi Rahmatullahi Alaihi mentioned many words of the Kufabis. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi was born in this Kufa city and in this city, he got the opportunity to study.
► Hajjatul Islam Imam Ghazzali Rahmatullahi Imam Azam Abu Hanifa expressed this opinion about Rahmatullahi alaihi - It is said that Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi used to offer Tahajjud's prayer at half-night. Whenever he was going by the road, pointing to him, one person said to another person: This is the person who spent the whole night worshiping Allah. From that day, Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi was awake all night and used to say that to Allah I am ashamed that people say this about my worship, Which is not within me.
Bisal Sharif:
763 The Abbasid Dynasty Khalifa al-Mansur proposed to appoint Abu Hanifa as Chief Justice of the state but he refused the proposal to remain independent. His student imam Abu Yusuf was given the charge of the Chief Justice. Imam Abu Yusuf al-Mansur explained that he did not think he was fit for the post. Al-Mansur's offer of this position was his own due to Khalifa, after rejecting the proposal of Imam Abu Hanifa Mansoor accused him as a liar. Imam Abu Hanifah said, "If I am a liar, my opinion about rejecting the proposal is correct, Because of how you will put a lieist in the position of Chief Justice. "Al-Mansur Imam Abu Hanifa, who was imprisoned and imprisoned, was tortured.
In 150 AH, Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Ali was 67 years old, Mubarak got Bisal Sharif. During his stay in the city of Baghdad, he learned to eat poisoning with food and then fell down in sijdah and died under sijdah. The reason for his bishal Sharif is not clear. Some people say they are executed inside the prison.
After the death, Karamat revealed: When
he was in jail, only three days before the death, Imam Abu Hanifah rahmatullahi came to him with a trickle in a grandson old priest. When the old woman offered Suwal to her house, Khaddim thought that she was very pious and she refused to present it, the old woman started crying. Understanding the matter, Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Abu Aziz Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi alaihi khademake called the question, what happened? The Prophet () said, "O Imam Azam Rahmatullahi Alaihi, this foolish old lady is asking that your beard is worth more than Mubarak's price and the price of his goat's thor is more? In spite of knowing the Imam Sahib, he replied, Go and tell the old woman I will reply to the old woman three days later Insha Allah After three days of Allah Pak, Azam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi, the Imam, made the pilgrim. After completing his bathing mubarak, he was being taken to meet the people of the people and to carry out the funeral prayer and burial of Mubarak. At that moment, the wicked granny began to understand the opportunity, saying that your Imam Ji survived and fled in the fear of responding to my masala. Then Imam Abu al-Hanifah rahmatullahi sitting on the Khatia himself sat and sat up and said to his voice Mubarake loudly, O my strength, my reply was clear on that day, but I did not say, because I suspected that I could believe in Allah's Messenger (PBU) or not? I believe that losing it died, would then your goat Thota fur valuable would be, but that you should keep my faith with died, I and my beard Mubarak's worth your goat Thota fur than the millions of times respected. "He punahraya bed and lay down, which appears Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH. I suspected that I can go and believe in the interview of Allah Pak leader? If I had lost my faith, then your goat's throat would have been worth the wool, but you should keep it with the faith, and so the value of my beard Mubarak is worth millions of times more than your thighs of fowl. "He recited it, Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH. I suspected that I can go and believe in the interview of Allah Pak leader? I believe that losing it died, would then your goat Thota fur valuable would be, but that you should keep my faith with died, I and my beard Mubarak's worth your goat Thota fur than the millions of times respected. "He punahraya bed and lay down, which appears Millions of people could see. subhanALLAH.
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